Welcome to Swatober! It's the time of year when we focus on the power of young alumni giving. From October 24-31 the Board of Mangers will match all gifts from the classes of 2003-2016 with $100.
That's right–all gifts of all sizes will be matched with $100! Our goal is to honor 415 of Swarthmore's newest students, the Class of 2020, with 415 gifts from young alumni.
Make your gift today and tell your fellow Swatties to join you.
We did it! Congrats Swatties! We reached our stretch goal of 500 young alumni donors in just one week! Thank you so much much to everyone who gave in support of Swarthmore students. Your gift helps provide an enriching academic experience for current students, many of whom would not be here without your support and the support of others like you. THANK YOU!
3032 days ago by Sarah ThompsonWay to go Swatties! We reached our goal of 415 young alumni donors!
The Board of Managers will continue to give $100 for every young alumni gift up to 500 so let's see if we can hit 500!
3033 days ago by Fritz WardDonors
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